Green Tea!
Most ana sites recomend coffee but it is now proven that Green Tea helps your metabolism more. Coffee does speed up your metabolism but it's effects are pretty short, whereas the catechins in Green Tea stay in your system for much longer so the effects are longer. Green tea is also very high in polyphenol which burns raw fats and sugars which would usually become fat. It also coats fat cells so that more can't be absorbed. So all round it burns fat. It also phycs you up so you can exercise for longer without being exhausted. And of course there's the caffine content -the only thing in coffee that aids weight loss.
So that's the science, and for once the claims seem to be true. I've been drinking 10-20 cups a day and have noticed a greater weight loss and have never been able to work out for so long. It is amazing! But it's not just this that is beneficial. I've found it to be really good on fasting days and it's stopped me feeling drained of energy. And when I am hungry I just drink a cup and feel fine. I think it's something about hot drinks that helps you feel fuller. It works pretty well as a cleanser as well. I love it, love it, love it. You can buy so many flavours, the vast majority under 1 calorie, and some even taste slightly sweet even though they don't have sugars in. So have tea if you have a craving.
Just found a figure, drinking 5 cups a day boosts metabolism by 20%! Anyway, just wanted to spread the word. :)
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